This is the link to our campus portal to use for enrollment:
7 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Welcome Back Letter
Check Enrollment off your To-Do list by enrolling today and help staff out by not waiting until the last minute. The start of school is just around the corner.
7 months ago, Colleen Williamson
Enrollment details are highlighted.
Great News! Breakfast and Lunch are FREE again this year for ALL USD 503 students. It's Always a Great Day to be a Viking! #PKAllDay
7 months ago, Colleen Williamson
A letter to parents about free breakdfasts and lunch for all students.
SCAM ALERT: It appears someone is pretending to be USD 503 Superintendent Lori Ray via text and is soliciting gift cards for USD 503 staff. It's a SCAM. Anything from Ms. Ray or the district will come to you through Thrillshare. Please help spread the word! Thank you.
7 months ago, Colleen Williamson
Viking head.
503 Staff gearing up for the coming school year at the EPIC Educators Summit!
7 months ago, Tyler Gordon
503 Educators
Enrollment is open. Come join us!
8 months ago, Colleen Williamson
Enrollment is open.
Board of Education Minutes from the June 10, 2024 Meeting:
8 months ago, Matthew Peak
BoE Minutes 06.10.24
Volleyball Camp- Day 1!
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
Volleyball camp
Football Camp- Day 1!
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
football camp
Volleyball camp this week!
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
volleyball camp
Camp will be at Parsons Middle School! This will be for incoming 6th-8th graders.
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
Football camp
Parsons 2 won the summer league tournament at Erie last night! Parsons 1 fell short against Humboldt in the championship game placing 2nd. Lots of hard work and progress made this summer. Way to go ladies!
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
parsons 2
No weights and conditioning the first week of July! We will pick back up with Football and Volleyball camps on the 8th! Enjoy your break, Vikings!
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
pms July
Football Team Camp is coming up! July 8-11. This camp is for all 6th-8th grade interested in playing football.
8 months ago, Olivia Nolting
24 football camp form
The Sunflower Summer program runs from May 25 - August 11, 2024. Visit Kansas attractions this summer for FREE!!! Download the app today!
8 months ago, Matthew Peak
Sunflower Summer Program Info
There is no summer school classes or weights in recognition of Juneteenth tomorrow.
8 months ago, Tyler Gordon
Please return the permission slips signed by a parent or guardian to the MS office by Thursday this week. This is for students with perfect attendance to summer school and/or weights.
8 months ago, Tyler Gordon
2 teams, 4 games and 4 wins! Summer work pays off! Go Lady Vikes!
9 months ago, Olivia Nolting
We are able to still have weights and basketball at the Middle School. Boys Basketball will be here 9-10.
9 months ago, Olivia Nolting
Due a power outage at the main Middle School building today, summer school classes are canceled 9am-12pm. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on the issue.
9 months ago, Tyler Gordon