This morning during Viking Time Mrs. Quirin and Mrs. Hill (CIS) taught a lesson on calculating GPA and the opportunities that measurement will present in the very near future. PKAllDay!
Mrs. Helton’s class made air fryer donuts today! They were a big hit! I
Mrs. Helton is very proud of her honor roll students!
Mr. Campmier's Investigations of Technology Class experimenting with building circuits, and coding computers to activate LED's at specific intervals. These electronics and coding kits were made possible thanks to the Parsons Educational Foundation.
7th graders using claim, evidence, and reasoning to solve a crime.
Mrs. Fabrycky's 7th and 8th graders are learning about arrmatures and different ways of creating sculptures. They are having a blast using tin foil to create armatures for their sculptures.
Here is an early peek into next week Jan 9th-13th : ) Go Chiefs!
Congratulations to our 6th Grade Honor Roll Students. Students were recognized for three different GPA categories 3.0- 3.49, 3.5- 3.99, and finally 4.0. In total 140 students made the honor rolls throughout the entire building grades 6-8.
Congratulations to our 7th Grade Honor Roll. Students were recognized for three different GPA categories 3.0- 3.49, 3.5- 3.99, and finally 4.0. In total 140 students made the honor rolls throughout the entire building grades 6-8.
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Honor Roll Students. Students were recognized for three different GPA categories 3.0- 3.49, 3.5- 3.99, and finally 4.0. In total 140 students made the honor rolls throughout the entire building grades 6-8.
Parsons MS Staff welcomed the students back for second semester this week! PKAllDay! 503 Is the place to be!
Happy New Year!! Mrs. Bartelli and Mrs. Woods on 3 East survived their first day of school in 2023 with their Awesome Parsons Middle Schoolers! We love our job, and we love our kids!! PK ALL DAY!
Happy New Year! Here is our Week At a Glance, students return for classes on Tuesday : )
Agenda for the December 19, 2022 Board of Education Meeting:
USD 503 Winter Break will be from December 19th thru January 2nd. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 3, 2023!
All students will be dismissed at noon on Friday, December 16, 2022.
Week At a Glance 12.12.22
Way to go, Chrishell Vinson on being recognized as our Artist of the Week in Choir!
Congratulations to our Math Competition Champ, 7th Grader Kyle Chen!
Congratulations to our ‘One & Only’ Viking of the Week, Deon Grey!