Beginning Monday 4/13 property pick up will be available at Parsons Middle School, in addition to meals & packet distribution. Packet Pick Up: 11am-1pm & 5pm-6pm (Mondays Only) Property Pick Up: 11am-1pm & 5pm-6pm (Mondays Only) Meal Pick Up: 11:30am-12:30pm (Mon - Fri) Meals
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Gordon
April 2020 Viking Vitals
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Be sure to review the Continuous Learning Plan available on our webpage. Resources will be continually added as we move forward. Meals continue tomorrow 11:30-12:30pm & the Packet Pick-Up option begins tomorrow 11am-1pm, out of the NW corner of the building in a drive through format.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Gordon
503 Pride!
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Gordon
COVID Response
#VikingPride #PKUSA #PKVikings
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Kansas' WIC program, which provides nutritional support to thousands of women, infants, and children, is one of many programs that will be affected by the #2020Census. Do your part to keep families healthy by responding promptly! #EachKansanCounts
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
CHCSEK information
almost 5 years ago, Tina Heydenrych
CHCSEK information
#QuoteOfTheDay #VikingPride #KASBNewsBriefs
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Will Daniels
Disaster Distress Hotline: call #800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. Spanish TalkWithUs to 66746 pulse 2.
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
What do school lunches have to do with the #2020Census? A lot, actually! An accurate Census count will help ensure Kansas receives enough funding for free and reduced-price school lunches. #EachKansanCounts
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
First Day of School Picture in August to celebrate the second “First Day of School” today! USD 503 staff will create great continuous learning plans for our students! Proud to be a Viking💙💛💙
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
August 2019
Breakfast will be served Monday morning, and then at lunch you will be able to pick up lunch and breakfast for the next day. Meals will be served at each school building drive-thru style on regular school days.
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
The Governor’s ‘Stay at Home Plan’ has no effect on schools. On Monday, our staff will start building the USD503 Continuous Learning Plan. We will be sending you more information about the plan during the week.
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Let's keep these kids safe! Responding to the #2020Census helps Kansas receive appropriate federal funding for roads and bridges. #EachKansanCounts
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
The amount our state receives for the Children's Health Insurance Program is based on census data. If children's health matters to you, be sure to respond to the #2020Census! #EachKansanCounts
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Let's keep these kids safe! Responding to the #2020Census helps Kansas receive appropriate federal funding for roads and bridges. #EachKansanCounts
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Parents: Please remember to bookmark our website and download the USD 503 Viking app on your phone to stay in the loop. THANKS!!!
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Dear Parents/Guardians of students served by Tri-County, Tri-County is working alongside the school districts we serve to develop a continuous learning plan for the students with IEPs. A group of special education providers have been working diligently to come up with creative ways for students to receive opportunities to learn during the next two months. The first week after Spring Break, parents will be receiving a phone call from the special education provider(s) their child is served by. This will be the first of many contacts parents will receive from the provider. If parents do not receive a phone call after the first week of Spring Break, it may be we do not have current parent contact information. In that case, parents are asked to email the provider with current contact information. Provider emails are on their local school district's website. Parents will also be receiving a Prior Written Notice that describes how services will be delivered over the next two months. This will not be the same type of delivery model or number of minutes as indicated on the IEP - that is impossible with the current CDC Guidance on social distancing. When school returns to normal, the IEP team will reconvene to determine to what extent compensatory services may be needed. While we are working through uncharted territory, Tri-County understands that parents are too. Many of our students, your children, have many needs which will impact day-to-day life for parents. Safety is our number one priority for students and staff, but please know that our staff already miss and are worried about their students. Stay safe during this time- we want to see each of our students' beautiful faces on the other side of this pandemic. Emily McCambridge Director Tri-County Special Education Interlocal #607
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Amazing video about what we are all facing right now. Take the five minutes to watch it.
almost 5 years ago, Eric Swanson
Be sure to count everyone in your household on the #2020Census, babies included! Anyone who lives with you should be counted.
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools