Hello everyone!!! I wanted to take a minute to say Hi! and let you know it has been good to see you when I have popped into your Zoom classes. I also wanted you to know that I am checking grades and the work you are turning in. School is still in session even though it is way different than what we are used to. YOU need to show up to class and let the teachers see you and get work turned in. If for some reason you aren’t doing work, let us know what is going on. Let us help you! We care about you and what is going on in your life, because guess what?. We are dealing with some of the same issues. If you have a question or need something send me an email I will do what I can to help You are AMAZING kids and I want you to succeed!!!!!
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
Good morning everyone, This is LAST CALL for 8th GRADE STUDENT BABY PICTURES for our traditional end of the year 8th grade baby picture slide show. Several messages have been sent since and we are still missing several (53) students. PLEASE GET YOUR 8th GRADE STUDENT BABY PICTURES TO or MAKE CONTACT MRS. ROBINSON ASAP. If not, your picture won't be included and that would be a shame.
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
Thursday: Post a Throw Back Thursday photo of your first year teaching or your very first day of school!. Be sure and use #ThrowBackThursday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
May is Better Speech & Hearing Month - Did You Know… Sounds that are too loud can damage your hearing and cause hearing loss that will affect you for the rest of your life!
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
Wednesday: Post a song, poem, letter, photo or card that shows why you love your teachers or why you choose to teach! Be sure and use #WhyWednesday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
May is Better Speech & Hearing Month - Did You Know… Speech-language pathologists work with people who can communicate with their voice to develop a system using pictures or devices to communicate.
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
May is Better Speech & Hearing Month - Did You Know… there are 5 aspects of language - grammar (syntax), semantics (word meaning), pragmatics (social language), morphology (word formation) and phonology (sounds)
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
Attention MS Athletes! KSHSAA has updated the Physical Form required for participation in the 2020- 2021 school year. The new form can be found on the MS Website. The following link provides access to the new form as well: http://www.kshsaa.org/Public/PDF/FORM-PPE.pdf
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Tuesday: Use social media to tell us what teachers mean to you!. Be sure and use #ThankfulTuesday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Due to the severe weather forecast, USD 503 will NOT have packet pick up this evening. All offices are open 10-1 each day, just call ahead and we will bring it out to your car. Stay safe and Go Vikes!
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Gordon
May is Better Speech & Hearing Month! Did you know… In the schools speech-language pathologists help students learn to say sounds correctly, improve language skills, improve fluency (stuttering) and voice quality.
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
Monday: Share a memory of a teacher that has motivated you. Be sure and use #MotivationMonday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
#USD503ThankATeacher #WeLoveOurTeachers
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
This Monday, May 4th, is our last Packet & Property Pick Up @Parsons Middle School. Pick up times are from 11am-1pm & 5pm-6pm.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Pick Up
We are proud of our USD 503 Principals!💙💛💙
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Principal Appreciation 2020
Congratulations Mr. Cox - Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
John Cox
PMS 2019-2020 Yearbook Online Sale
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Yearbook Sale
The deadline for ordering yearbooks online is THIS FRIDAY! We will be selling more at the beginning of next year. Information is below.
almost 5 years ago, Kala Robinson
Online yearbook info
Attention all Middle School Parents! Yearbooks can be ordered online at www.inter-state.com/yearbook. Please enter code: 44660K The order deadline is May 1st. Also, know that we will take orders at the beginning of the school year in August as well.
almost 5 years ago, John Cox
This message is to 8th grade parents. Please make sure you have sent your 8th grade students baby picture to Mrs. Robinson for the end of the year slide show. We need them by May 8th. Her email can be found on the middle school website.
almost 5 years ago, John Cox