8th graders working on their vision boards. They had to pick goals for 2021 and their future.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
School board members helped lead our district through an unprecedented pandemic. They continue to aid our district’s navigation of constantly changing information and situations. Join us in thanking our school board members during School Board Appreciation Month.
about 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Thanks BOE
Celebrate School Board Appreciation Month with us by thanking our school board members! Our school board includes Mike Kastle, David Ray, Olivia Lyons, Lou Martino, Jeff Quirin, Joan Thompson, and Roger Duroni. These seven individuals make crucial decisions for the students and staff at USD 503. Thank you, School Board Leaders!
about 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Thanks BOE
Boys BB heads to Independence MS this evening. Games start at 4pm and will be live streamed through the Independence MS Facebook page.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
SEK Boys BB Shootout 7th Grade Gym Live Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZNAkd-Ws8wM2QTkd-QTVQ
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
SEK Boys BB Shootout 8th Grade Gym Live Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovcRMYc5ioJh9ZiW1blnfA
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
The following is our schedule for today’s early dismissal. Lunch is available for pick up 11am-1pm behind the MS at the NW Corner of the building.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Boys Basketball heads to Ft. Scott Middle School this afternoon. Three games planned to begin @4pm. The games will be live streamed on YouTube: Ft. Scott Middle School
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Remember that tomorrow is an early dismissal day, at 12pm. The following outlines the remote class schedule planned for 1/15/21 . Lunch pick up is still available 11am-1pm behind the MS at the NW corner of the building.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
New link for this evenings games at Parsons MS against Chanute: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovcRMYc5ioJh9ZiW1blnfA
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Of all of the students with perfect attendance last week, the following students were drawn for free tacos and a drink from Taco Bell. Thank you for continued engagement: 6th- Emily Clark 7th-Adam Hansen 8th-Desiray Allen Thank you for continuing our Viking Way!
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Parsons MS Boys BB hosts Royster MS this evening, beginning at 4pm. The will be broadcast through the Middle School Youtube account. This is a KSHSAA event and in person admission is limited to parent/guardians, not the general public: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZNAkd-Ws8wM2QTkd-QTVQ
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
This Friday 1/15/21 is a scheduled early dismissal at 12pm. The following outlines our Remote Schedule planned. Lunch is available for pick up at the NW corner of the MS building 11am-1pm.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
#ParsonsVikings #ThankBOE
about 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
School Board Members
Boys Basketball begins the season this afternoon @Cville 4pm start time. The game will be streamed live on YouTube channel: Nado Live.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Our school board members at USD 503 make many decisions for our students and staff. Join us in thanking our school board members this month! #ThankABoardMember
about 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Thank You
Tomorrow morning we will continue first semester remotely.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Back to School - January 4th
about 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Back to School USD 503
January 2021 Newsletter - https://5il.co/o0o5
about 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
January 2021 Newsletter PMS
Happy New Year! We return remotely beginning Monday 1/4 to Friday 1/15.
about 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon