#finishstrong #JUSTDOIT
almost 4 years ago, Mary Friess
Inspirational Quotes from Friess
8th Grade career unit speaker for today was youth pastor Drew Weidert. (Brother/sister resemblance?)
almost 4 years ago, Debbie Shaffer
The golf tournament in Jayhawk Linn today is canceled citing the weather conditions.
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
USD503 Sport Physical Forms for the 21/22 school year. The outreach consent, physical form and concussion form all need to be returned to school no later than April 27th. PMS physicals are May 3rd and PHS physicals are May 5th. https://www.usd503.org/browse/205037
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
USD 503 Parsons District Schools is now accepting applications for all Child Nutrition positions for School year 2021-22. Positions available include: Full-time Child Nutrition Director Full-time Child Nutrition Kitchen Managers (2) Full- and part-time Child Nutrition staff Now is the time to apply to become a member of a team that is committed to providing quality meals to students and staff in the Parsons community! Applications are available at usd503.org (scroll down to Employment) or by emailing ariley@vikingnet.net. We are looking forward to working with you!
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Yesterday's winners of the "Save Summer Vacation" 6th Grade Math challenge. We had several other teams that finished soon after!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley DeVore
Congratulation to the following students in being nominated and selected for Viking of the Week: 6th: Blake Blevins 7th: Gavin Daniels 8th: Evan Valdez Thank you for consistently demonstrating the Viking Way (Safe, Engaged, Responsible)
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Enjoy this week's Student Announcements: https://youtu.be/IgXEZEMdXng
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
6th grade FACS class used the stove for the first time and made scrambled eggs. They did great and were so excited!
almost 4 years ago, Kala Robinson
6th grade FACS
6th grade FACS
6th grade FACS
6th grade FACS
6th grade FACS class used the stove for the first time and made scrambled eggs. They did great and were so excited!
almost 4 years ago, Kala Robinson
A friendly game of UNO after state testing!
almost 4 years ago, Hope Smith
A friendly game of UNO after working on hard on assessments
8th grade parents-We are in the process of putting together the traditional baby picture slideshow for 8th grade promotion. If you would like your child to be part of this please submit a picture of your child to his/her Viking Time teacher or Mrs. Shaffer by Thurs, April 22.
almost 4 years ago, Debbie Shaffer
Boys Tennis Went 12-1 yesterday in Piitsburg, Go Vikes!
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Pics from Pittsburg yesterday, Go Vikes!
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Parsons MS Volleyball Staff is offering a four day camp for students grades 2-5 May 17-20 from 3:30-5pm. Flyers for the camp are available in Garfield and Guthridge Elementary Offices! For any questions please contact onolting@vikingnet.net or call the MS office at 421-4190.
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
Congratulations to our MS golfers in their finishes at Pittsburg yesterday. Kylie Habiger shot a 51 and finished 2nd place in the girls division and Kyle Habiger shot a 45 and got 9th place in the boys division! Go Vikes!
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
This week's MS Events
almost 4 years ago, Tyler Gordon
7th grade started their sewing unit! They are excited to make their hand warmers!
almost 4 years ago, Kala Robinson
7th grade sewing
7th grade sewing
7th grade sewing
7th grade sewing
FACS 6th grade knife skills- no fingers were lost or cut...it was a good day!
almost 4 years ago, Kala Robinson
6th girls
6th boys
7th grade FACS kids made donuts today- it was deliciously messy!
almost 4 years ago, Kala Robinson
7th grade donuts
7th grade donuts
7th grade donuts
7th grade donuts