Mrs. Good and Abby were "twinning" in twin day!!
Students in Mrs. Brimm's class created their own totem poles after learning about the Native American culture.
Spirit week from Mrs. Brimm's class! Be a friend not a bully!
After learning about the Pacific Northwest tribes, we made totem poles to represent our character traits.
The students had a STEM challenge to make a Cherokee summer home that had to have a roof, entrance and be rectangular in shape.
We worked on Wampum coding and made our own sentences.
Today Parsons USD 503 Celebrates Our Wonderful Substitute Teachers!
Thank you for all you do!
We Are Hiring - Kitchen Staff at Parsons Middle School
Minutes from the October 14 School Board of Education Meeting:
Guthridge Vikings,
Welcome to Week 12.
Please check out this week's newsletter by clicking & sharing the link below.
Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!
Twin Tuesday- choose friendship over bullying
Mrs. Gordon's class chose to twin together for anti bullying spirit week. All students participated by wearing black.
5th grade is working on our Native American unit. Today the students designed their own Kochina Dolls.
On Tuesday, Mrs. Good's class went to the polls! ❤️💙As a class, we learned all about the voting process and what the requirements are to be able to vote. Each student took their voter registration card to the classroom polls to vote for who they wanted to see become president!
Mr. Holmes' class had a "dragon egg" hunt after reading chapter 15 of Harry Potter. Congrats to Alayna for finding the golden dragon!
Mr. Holmes' class enjoyed chocolate frogs after reading chapter 14 of Harry Potter.
Touch-A-Truck is November 9th from 10:00 - 2:00 at Marvel Park.
The End of the 1st Quarter Awards Assembly will be broadcast live tomorrow morning at 9:00 at:
Board of Education Agenda for the November 11, 2024 meeting:
Congratulations Joseph! Joseph's participation in our Read-a-Thon put his name on the "wheel of names". Joseph won this great PTO donated gift basket when the wheel stopped on his name.
Thank you PTO and thanks to everyone who participated.
Mrs. Brumbacks class voted today.