Mrs. Good's class mixed up some "grobswitchy cake" just like the BFG mixes up his dreams.

After learning how the BFG catches the dreams, keeps them in glass jars, and then mixes them, Mrs. Good's class decided to make their own dream jars! They turned out so good!!

Mr. Holmes' class delivered May Day baskets to various homes around Guthridge.

Mr. Holmes' class and Mrs. Gordon's class used invisible ink pens today after reading their chapter of Harry Potter.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Good's classes participated in an end of the year digital escape room.

Today is School Lunch Hero Day!!!

We Are Hiring! Business Manager / Accountant. Scan the QR code, or visit our website for more information.

The Labette County Public Safety Kids Camp will be Friday, June 7th from 7:30am - 4:30pm at Forest Park in Parsons for kids ages 5-9.

Mr. Holmes' class enjoyed "Skele-Gro" potion after reading about it in Harry Potter.

Thank you to Mrs. Brimm and her son for showing us their turtles and tortoises!

Miss Jones' class was able to spend their "zoo bucks" at our very own Zoo Crew Concession Stand! Students earned zoo bucks throughout the week for completing assignments and positive behavior.

We built rockets with Mr. Duroni this morning!

Mr. Holmes' class and Mrs. Gordon's class enjoyed their own "wands" (chocolate-covered pretzel rods) after reading chapter 11 of Harry Potter.

Mr. Holmes' class enjoyed their own "Polyjuice" potions after reading about them in Harry Potter.

FYI: If a Tornado Warning is issued for Parsons this evening the storm shelters at Garfield and Guthridge will be open, the storm shelter at Lincoln will not be open. If a trusted neighbor in the Lincoln area is interested in volunteering to open the Lincoln storm shelter during future Tornado Warnings, please contact the district office next week.

Summer school enrollment is still open. Please contact the office if you would like your child to participate.
Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!

Great to see some PMS students & former Guthridge students in our building today to job shadow our teachers.

Mr. Holmes' class and Mrs. Gordon's class enjoyed a tombstone cake after reading about it in Harry Potter.

Mrs. Brimm's son brought his turtles for us to view

Gherig chilling with Mrs. Brimms turtles.