Thank You Teachers for ALL YOU DO For Our Kids!!!

Happy National School Nurse Day!!!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

Happy National Teacher Appreciation Day!!!

Artists in the making

After learning about volume of composite figures in Mrs. Brimm's class, students created a zoo animal and then found the volume of their animal. They did amazing!

Zoo Crew Concession Stand! 🦓 🦒🦬

Mr. Holmes' class and Mrs. Gordon's class enjoyed spider treats after reading Harry Potter on Friday.

There's nothing like sitting in a comfy spot with some great kids reading a good book!

Today we experimented with making different types of paper airplanes and seeing how far they can fly.

Paper airplane STEM challenge.

Testing our airplanes.

Paper airplane STEM challenge winner

Flying homemade kites

Kite making and flying

FYI: If a Tornado Warning is issued for Parsons this evening, the storm shelters at Garfield and Guthridge will be open, the storm shelter at Lincoln will not be open. If a trusted neighbor in the Lincoln area is interested in volunteering to open the Lincoln storm shelter during future Tornado Warnings, please contact the district office tomorrow. Thanks

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and we have some AMAZING teachers at USD 503!!!

The best way to start your day is to see Prestyn asking for the broom to clean up another students spill in our cafeteria. "I don't want the other students to walk in it and make the mess bigger" Thank you Preston. You have been awesome to be around these past 2 years!

Mrs. Good's class had a great time delivering May Day baskets!! 💐

Happy May Day from Miss Jones' class! 🌸 💐 🌺