Potato Olympics Winners
These 5th graders had fun bowling!
4th grade had so much fun bowling today.
Teacher the teacher/class Day #2 in Mrs. Brimm's classroom. Today we learned how to make a paper flower, how to draw, a grammar lesson with a fun adjective game, and how to make French toast! We are learning amazing things from our peers!
Paper airplane winners. Kyion won in the freestyle round. Brooklenn won in the blade runner round and Rylan won in the hickory style round.
Bowling fun!
5th grade AR bowling party.
Bowling Fun
Our school staff superheroes are always soaring above and beyond to do the best for every student, every day. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you for all that you do! #503Rocks
Check out this week's newsletter.
Thank you Ian & Petra Ybarra for fully funding the fourth grade STEM Stations!
For chapter 16 of Harry Potter, we drank "ice potion," just like Harry Potter did to walk through fire in the book!
Mrs. Good's class had the privilege of doing yoga with Becky Giefer today. Becky is a yoga instructor, and also Kirbster's GiGi. Thank you so much Becky!! We had a blast! 💙💛
Math scavenger hunt- they had to find angles, shapes, measure length and capacity.
Math scavenger hunt- they had to find angles, shapes, measuring length and capacity.
Mrs. Armstrong's class participated in a Greenbush virtual lab about making paper airplanes.
Math scavenger hunt
Thank you PTO for spoiling our teachers with Genelle's Kettle Corn!
Miss Jones' class has been working so hard to make sure the positive females in our lives feel special on Mother's Day!
Egg drop- Mrs Armstrong and Brumback's class created a structure to protect their eggs