Congratulations to the VIKINGS of the week!

Mrs. Carnes' afternoon science class doing an experiment on the acidity of candy.

5th graders in Mrs. Wambsganss’s class working on their book report

4th Grade Carnival Fun

Mrs. Brumback's 5th grade math class doing hallway math.

4th Grade Carnival..what a great group of students and staff. HWPO. Go VIKES

4th Grade Halloween Carnival is about to kickoff

Mr. Holmes having a little too much fun getting ready for the Halloween party......

Reminder: Our Halloween Parade will begin at 1:40 and our classroom parties will start at 2:00. Students will begin to put their costumes on at around 1:20.
Thank you!

Mrs. Brumback’s class doing Hallway Halloween Math..HWPO. Go VIKES!

We made X-Rays today!

We made X-Ray’s today!

Fun with friends for lunch!

Fun with friends for lunch!

Reminder: Today is an early release day! Kids will be let go at 1:00.
As always, Hard Work Pays Off...Go Vikes!

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's classes using pumpkins for estimation and measurement.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's classes using pumpkins for estimation and measurement.

Thanks to Mr. Holmes for planning such fun Halloween activities!

Mrs. Good’s class is correcting sentences while listening to spooky music and only using flashlights in the dark!!! #spooky

Congratulations to the VIKINGS of the week!