Students in Mr. Holmes’ classes have been practicing reading aloud! This week, fourth graders will get to read to first graders in honor of World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday, February 5th.
He just won with my card!
Fun Family Bingo Night!
Marilyn Bingo’d
Family Bingo Night!
Students Learning Library/Typing Skills
Students Learning Library/Typing Skills
Superbowl Challenge #4 Tailgate Thursday (wear chiefs gear)
Mrs. Good is having a bad hair day! Students were going over magnetism in science lab with Mr. Duroni this morning.
Yearbook orders available until February 28th. Order yours now!
Reminder Family Bingo tonight from 5:30 to 6:30. Hope to see you there!
Jennifer Hansen Chili Dog Benefit Dinner
Superbowl Challenge Winning Wednesday
Mrs. Phillip's students made salt dough for a Kansas Day activity.
Tyreek Tuesday--Wear Cheetah Print
We have extended the free cover personalization on the Parsons Elementary Yearbooks for a few days. If you wish to have your student's name on the front of their yearbook, orders must be received by Thursday, January 30th. Books without personalization are still available through February 28th. Order forms are available at each elementary building or you can order online by visiting and entering code 43680F
Guthridge Superbowl Day 1 Challenge. Mahomes Monday (headband)
Guthridge Superbowl Challenge #1. Mahomes Monday (headband)