REMINDER: School will be dismissed at 12:00 on Friday, November 6th.
Mrs Good's class welcomes Jaxx to Guthridge!
Ms. Millar's and Miss Wambsganss' students sporting their Blue/Gold Viking Colors & Silly Hat and Silly Hair!
Mis-Match Day!
Silly Sock Day!
Kindness Challenge
Spirit Week Reminder... Tomorrow is Black & Orange Head to Toe. Thursday is wear your Favorite Halloween Shirt .
Friday is Blue & Gold Viking Colors & Silly Hat or Silly Hair.
Thursday is also Picture Retakes, Students may want to bring their school photo clothes with them in their backpacks.
Hard Work Pays Off...Go Vikes!
Picture Retakes October 29th. All remote students that have not had their picture taken need to have it taken on this day.
🍬🍬🍬Students in Mr. Holmes’ classes worked hard this week on capitalization. They used the word “MINTS” to help them remember what to capitalize. Each day, students would be asked what each letter of “MINTS” represented. If they were correct, they would be thrown a Sonic mint! Students also worked on 7 different capitalization topics on IXL all through the week. A big thanks goes out to Angie Westhoff, manager of Parsons Sonic, for donating Sonic mints and coupons to reward students for their hard work.🍬🍬🍬
Tomorrow is Blue & Gold Friday!
On Monday Oct. 26th, Students will be allowed to bring backpacks to school. We would ask that students leave all unnecessary items at home.
Picture retakes will be Thursday Oct. 29th.
Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!
Week of Oct. 26-30
Students in Mr. Holmes’ classes were surprised to meet a big spider, today! In class, students began reading about the adaptations that help spiders survive.
The October Edition of Viking Vitals from the School Health Office.
Happy Boss' Day Mr. Friess!
Kindness Challenge
REMINDER: Early release today. School will be dismissed at 1:00.
Mrs. Brumback's students study chemical reaction.
Welcome to week 6!
Tomorrow is "Take your IPAD Home Tuesday". Please try and remember to bring them back on Wednesday.
Wednesday is our 1st Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 1:00pm.
Hard Work Pays Off... Go VIKES!