On Monday, April 26th, the Board of Education voted to use a modified quarantine through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. What that means for our district is that, effective today, any staff or students that have been fully vaccinated will not be required to quarantine. It was also decided that any staff or student who are not vaccinated against Covid19, but DO wear their masks properly, will not be required to quarantine unless they are experiencing symptoms. This modified quarantine will be re-evaluated at the May 17th Board of Education meeting, and its continuance will be based on new information and new cases, if there are any. Any staff member, or student age 16+ that would like to get vaccinated can reach out to the School Health Office and arrangements can be made.
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Reminder: No School Today
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Volleyball Camp May 17th - May 20th. Forms are due by May 3rd.
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Students from Miss Wambsganss' class are really enjoying their Parsons Sun newspaper! 😁
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
No Charge Bulk Trash Drop Off Service Saturday May 1st and Saturday May 8th from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
If you did not turn in your trash bag order form and money please bring them to the office by tomorrow morning. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
USD 503 Parsons District Schools is now accepting applications for all Child Nutrition positions for School year 2021-22. Positions available include: Full-time Child Nutrition Director Full-time Child Nutrition Kitchen Managers (2) Full- and part-time Child Nutrition staff Now is the time to apply to become a member of a team that is committed to providing quality meals to students and staff in the Parsons community! Applications are available at usd503.org (scroll down to Employment) or by emailing ariley@vikingnet.net. We are looking forward to working with you!
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Students in Mr. Holmes’ after-school group went outside to practice their multiplication math facts and -le syllable patterned spelling words.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Holmes
Mrs. Good's Class Dissecting Owl Pellets
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Mrs. Good's Class Dissecting Owl Pellets
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a student in Mr. Holmes’ class presented her biography project over Anne Frank.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Holmes
Parsons Recreation Commission Girls Softball Registration Deadline: April 8th Skill Assessment: April 11th @ 4:00 PM Forest Park
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
USD 503 does have school Friday, April 2nd. It is a snow makeup day.
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Snow Makeup Day
Shine Bright Family Engagement Night Was a Big Hit!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
REMINDER: Virtual Family Night Tonight at 6:00!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
almost 4 years ago, Kurt Friess
Reminder: There will be no school on Friday, March 19 and Spring Break is March 22nd to March 26th.
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Spring Break
Reminder. Spring picture day is tomorrow. Online orders close tonight at 11:59 pm. or bring picture packet with money.
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Congratulations to Mr. Holmes for being named the Pittsburg State University College of Education Outstanding Elementary Educator Award for Spring 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Kurt Friess
Mr. Holmes, PSU's College of Education Outstand Elementary Educator Award Winner for Spring 2021!
Virtual Family Night
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary